Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption
a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through our worship, educational, youth and outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament.
St. Mary of the Assumption is alive with a plethora of ministries for every age. The Milford community is culturally diverse which brings many flavors to the table of Good News. Each of the ministries range in size and scope, but is committed to making a difference in the world through Christ. We encourage and openly welcome everyone to participate in the fellowship of Parish Life. Come and join the largest parish in the Worcester Diocese.
Our church is not just the building; our church is living and grows with the community. Imagine each person as a brick or stone in the structure – the more stones, the stronger and more beautiful the building. Help build our church strong! Please join or support a few of the ministries! If you have an idea for a ministry that is not currently a part of St. Mary's, please contact Fr. Peter with your thoughts.
Holy Wash Ministry
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Music Ministry
Respect Life Ministry
Youth Ministry
Grounds Maintenance Group
Hands to Work - Knit Prayer Shawls
Parish Council
Liturgy Committee
St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Knights of Columbus
Altar Servers
Ministers of Holy Communion
Mass Servers and Lectors
Marriage Preparation
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults